your thoughts – clemmed, treacle slow,
laden with seams of pit shaft
dark – tread an endless groove,
blinkered as a pit prop
pony moithered by light
your mind – dimmed, dunnock shy,
cradled with songs of wind swept
moors – dreams a fearless path
clinkered as a wind squall
diamond mantled with night
your self – numbed, fossil still,
layered with seals of sun starved
gold – furls a nubless cloth
crinkled as a sun coaxed
rock rose ambered in time.
by Helen Overell
laden with seams of pit shaft
dark – tread an endless groove,
blinkered as a pit prop
pony moithered by light
your mind – dimmed, dunnock shy,
cradled with songs of wind swept
moors – dreams a fearless path
clinkered as a wind squall
diamond mantled with night
your self – numbed, fossil still,
layered with seals of sun starved
gold – furls a nubless cloth
crinkled as a sun coaxed
rock rose ambered in time.
by Helen Overell