Then place the vessel for the perfumes between thy circle and the holy table on which the crystal stands, and, having fire therein, cast in thy perfumes, saying,
"I conjure thee, oh thou creature of fire! by him who created all things both in heaven and earth, and in the sea, and in every other place whatever, that forthwith thou cast away every phantasm from thee, that no hurt whatsoever shall be done in any thing. Bless, oh Lord, this creature of fire, and sanctify it that it may be blessed, and that they may fill tip the power and virtue of their odours; so neither the enemy, nor any false imagination, may enter into them, through our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen."
Now, this being done in the order prescribed, take out thy little book, which must be made about seven inches long, of pure white virgin vellum or paper, likewise pen and ink must be ready to write down the name, character, and office, likewise the seal or image of whatever spirit may appear (for this I must tell you that it does not happen that the same spirit you call will always appear, for you must try the spirit to know whether he be a pure or impure being, and this thou shalt easily know by a firm and undoubted faith in God.)
Of Occult Philosophy,
or Of Magical Ceremonies:
The Fourth Book.
Written by Henry Cornelius Agrippa.
Translated into English by Robert Turner.
London. 1655.
"I conjure thee, oh thou creature of fire! by him who created all things both in heaven and earth, and in the sea, and in every other place whatever, that forthwith thou cast away every phantasm from thee, that no hurt whatsoever shall be done in any thing. Bless, oh Lord, this creature of fire, and sanctify it that it may be blessed, and that they may fill tip the power and virtue of their odours; so neither the enemy, nor any false imagination, may enter into them, through our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen."
Now, this being done in the order prescribed, take out thy little book, which must be made about seven inches long, of pure white virgin vellum or paper, likewise pen and ink must be ready to write down the name, character, and office, likewise the seal or image of whatever spirit may appear (for this I must tell you that it does not happen that the same spirit you call will always appear, for you must try the spirit to know whether he be a pure or impure being, and this thou shalt easily know by a firm and undoubted faith in God.)
At giving the Fire.
And there were seven Lamps of Fire burning before the Throne which are the Seven Spirits of God. Take this Creature of Fire and as Fire purifieth all things so mayst thou be thoroughly purified from all Vanity and filthy Lucre and be set on fire with divine love so as to love the great, One, Eternal, Unalterable God above all things and thy Neighbour as thyself and be for Ever inflamed with the fire of that Spirit of God, that dovelike brooded upon the face of the Waters and with its amatorial genial heat gives out to the world celestial Fire of which this terrestrial Fire is only a faint Type or Figure.
Ars quatuor coronatorum: being the transactions of the Quatuor, By Freemasons. Quatuor Coronati Lodge, No. 2076 (London, England
[Consecration of ritual implements]
And now we come to treat of the Consecrations which, men ought to make upon all instruments and things necessary to be used in this Art: and the vertue of this Consecration most chiefly consists in two things; to wit, in the power of the person consecrating, and by the vertue of the prayer by which the Consecration is made. For in the person consecrating, there is required holiness of Life, and power of sanctifying: both which are acquired by Dignification and Initiation. And that the person himself should with a firm and undoubted faith believe the vertue, power, and efficacie hereof. And then in the Prayer it self by which this Consecration is made, there is required the like holiness; which either solely consisteth in the prayer it self, as, if it be by divine inspiration ordained to this purpose, such as we have in many places of the holy Bible; or that it be hereunto instituted through the power of the Holy Spirit, in the ordination of the Church. Otherwise there is in the Prayer a Sanctimony, which is not onely by it self, but by the commemoration of holy things; as, the commemoration of holy Scriptures, Histories, Works, Miracles, Effects, Graces, Promises, Sacraments and Sacramental things, and the like. Which things, by a certain similitude, do seem properly or improperly to appertain to the thing consecrated.Of Occult Philosophy,
or Of Magical Ceremonies:
The Fourth Book.
Written by Henry Cornelius Agrippa.
Translated into English by Robert Turner.
London. 1655.