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5. Of the making of the Chrystal and the Form of Preparation for a Vision. - Trithemius

Note, In these dealings, two should always be present; for often a spirit is manifest to one in the crystal when the other cannot perceive him; therefore if any spirit appear, as there most likely will, to one or both, say,
"Oh, Lord! we return thee our hearty and sincere thanks for the hearing of our prayer, and we thank thee for having permitted thy spirit to appear unto us which we, by thy mercy, will interrogate to our further instruction, through Christ. Amen."

Interrog. 1. In the name of the holy and undefiled Spirit, the Father, the begotten Son, and Holy Ghost, proceeding from both, what is thy true name?
If the spirit answers, Michael, then proceed.

Quest. 2. What is thy office? 3. What is thy true sign or character? 4. When are the times most agreeable to thy nature to hold conference with us?
Wilt thou swear by the blood and righteousness of our Lord Jesus Christ, that thou art truly Michael?

(Here let him swear, then write down his seal or character in thy book, and against it, his office and times to be called, through God's name; also write down any thing he may teach thee, or any responses he may make to thy questions or interrogations, concerning life or death, arts or sciences, or any other thing;) and then shalt thou say,
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"Thou great and mighty spirit, inasmuch as thou camest in peace and in the name of the ever blessed and righteous Trinity, so in this name thou mayest depart, and return to us when we call thee in his name to whom every knee doth bow down. Fare thee well, Michael; peace be between us, through our blessed Lord Jesus Christ. Amen."

On the third night of the fast the archangel Michael appeared to the bishop in a ghostly vision, thus saying, " Wisely ye did to seek at God that which was hidden to men. Know thou for certain, that the man who was shot with his own arrow, that it was done with my will. I am Michael, the archangel of God Almighty, and I continue ever in his sight. I say to thee that I especially love and the place which the bull defended, and I would by that sign manifest that I am the guardian of the place ; and of all the miracles which there happen, I am the spectator and observer." And with these words the archangel departed to heaven.

The homilies of the Anglo-Saxon church: The first part, containing ..., Volume 1 

By Aelfric (Abbot of Eynsham.), Benjamin Thorpe


III. What Is The Office Of The Holy Ghost ?
The office of the Holy Ghost is to produce sanctification in the people of God. This he performs immediately from the Father and the Son. It is for this reason that he is called the Spirit of holiness. The office of the Holy Ghost may be said to embrace the following things: to instruct, to regenerate, to unite to Christ and God, to rule, to comfort and strengthen us


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